Sunday, March 30, 2008

cognitive dissonance theory

We often feel uncomfortable when some of our beliefs contradict one another. The cognitive dissonance theory proposed by Leon Festinger stated that being aware of consistent beliefs (consonant cognitions) creates positive feelings in us. However, being aware of inconsistent beliefs (dissonant cognitions) creates negative feelings in us. In addition, the negative feelings produced as a result of our inconsistent beliefs serves as a motivator to change our current state, particularly cognitions that regulate an individual’s personal behaviour (Breckler, Olson, and Wiggins, 2006). Festinger characterized dissonance as a state of ‘aversive arousal’ which ignites our desire to decrease it by rationalizing that our former or present behaviour was logical. He suggested that one can decrease the dissonance faced by changing our behaviour, changing our cognitions (attitude), adding new consonant cognitions, decreasing the importance of one of the dissonant cognitions, and or increasing the importance of one of the consonant cognitions.
Using Festinger’s theory of cognitive dissonance, I applied his reasoning to my constant late nights to see whether it made sense. Although I believe that lack of sleep has a negative effect on my academic performance, I often keep late nights. These two beliefs are inconsistent with each other, therefore causing dissonance that elicits negative feelings in me. If I believe that keeping late nights affects my academic performance negatively, I should sleep early. However, having this belief did not stop me from keeping late nights frequently. I feel bad that I am performing below my maximum potential academically. Therefore, I changed my belief to keeping late nights will not affect my academic performance negatively (change cognition). I decided that I am a night owl so sleeping early is not an option (no change of behaviour). I also believe that it is alright to keep late nights since I am doing my assignments. That means that I will be able to finish my assignments earlier (adding consonant cognition).


Anna said...

Haa.. its seems that we are providing excuses to our academic status juz cuz we are studyin social psych - we based on the theories that we learnt to daily life..

Is adding consonant cognitions = excuses? Lol =)

lavender said...

Perhaps this is like how i know i need to study to get good grades and yet i don't study!!

Then again.... I would suppose that my dissonace ain't that great, since it hasn't cause enough discomfort for me to stay up and do work.

Wan Xin

chermaine said...

what do u think? maybe.... self fulfilling prophecy?!

Anonymous said...

hahaha, we humans indeed have an amazing ability to make ourselves feel 'better'. Hmm, for me, dissonance theory is actually something quite an important theory to take note for Christians. Somethings, when when we sinned, we might give thousands and one reasons on it is okay, God will forgive or it is not stated in the bible. this is very bad. Thus, with the knowledge of this theory, i can now draw a clearer line between human reasoning and biblical facts :)

cheng tsuang chih (leovine)